Icaridin Anti-Parasite Shampoo
200 ml bottle
Ref 176014 - Gencod : 3283021760147
The + products
- Effective many days
- Immediate action on parasites
It is important to repel numerous external parasites to which cats and dogs are exposed daily. FRANCODEX ICARIDIN-BASED PARASITE REPELLENT SHAMPOO, containing icaridin which acts on parasites’ olfactory sensory system for a repellent effect while masking the host, and geraniol with repellent properties from a distance and a contact irritant effect, repels fleas, ticks and flying insects (sandflies and mosquitoes) immediately and for a few days. The packaging is made of 50% recycled plastic to help reduce our carbon footprint.Biocidal product family PT19: Use biocidal products with precaution. Read the label and product information before use.
Availability depending on country regulations, these products might not be marketed in every country.